The Minimal Manual

The daily detritus of my life, spilt out onto a keyboard and left to ponder like a Rorschach test.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Last Full Day in Barcelona

After two amazing weeks, our vacation has wound to an end and the real world has begun to call -- particularly for Rashmi, who starts her new job in less than a week. We took our last sight-seeing adventure to the top of Tibidabo (which I am told means "I will give it to you" in Catalan and has something to do with the devil tempting Jesus). Tibidabo is a small mountain looking directly down onto Barcelona. From the top, you can see everything: the Pyrenese, the Mediterranean, our hotel, the Sagrada familia, and so on. It is a beautiful view that is only slightly spoiled by the fact that someone thought it would be a good idea to build an amusement park and a basilica within feet of each other on the very top of the mountain. I couldn't think of two things that go better together, could you? I guess Tibidabo's planners made up for their lack of taste with religous zeal.
Pictures: (1) The Basilica atop Tibidabo. (2) A view of the town from the funicular (a slow train that grinds up to the top of the mountain). (3) The funicular station. I wish I could translate the word funicular better, but we don't really have anything like them in the states. (4) A view of the Barcelona . . . and the amusement park.
Rashmi and I are looking forward to getting home and seeing familiy and friends. Hopefully hurricane Katerina won't complicate that process too much.


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